December 2017 – Family Lives

Monthly Archives: December 2017

[A culture of life] starts with our own gentleness, our acceptance of nonviolence, our constant questioning of our own beliefs and actions, our ability to teach companionship…, and then to build communities of caring.” – JOHN MCGEE
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Why have I told you these appalling vignettes of past institutional life?  Because the system that created these dehumanizing arrangements is still with us today. – GUNNAR DYBWAD
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To live with our retarded children, our handicapped friends, our aging parents does place burdens on us…[T]hese are burdens which cannot be avoided or delegated: to have a decent society we must behave as decent individuals.   – BURTON BLATT
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The bottom fell out of human service morality in any number of ways when medicine unequivocally abandoned its moral, philosophical, and theological background. – WOLF WOLFENSBERGER
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