What We Do

Family Lives provides home health care service - continuous nursing services, intermittent skilled nursing visits, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, and augmentative communication - to people with impairments.

We do what we do respectfully.

  • Patients and families need us to respect their lives and homes.
  • Nurses and therapists need us to respect their work.

We do what we do carefully.

  • Patients, families, and nurses need us to care for them.

We do what we do professionally.

  • Patients and families need us to be professional.
  • The nurse or therapist must never make or assist in or suggest making his or her patient dead.

We do what we do confidentially.

  • Patients and families need us to be confidential.
  • The nurse or therapist must safeguard the privacy of his or her patient and their family.

We do what we do honestly.

  • Patients and families need us to be honest.
  • The nurse or therapist must never fraudulently provide continuous nursing care in the home.

We do what we do reliably.

  • Patients and families need us to be reliable.
  • The nurse or therapist ought to reduce the chaos and increase the consistency in the life of his or her patient and their family.
  • Nurses and therapists need us to be reliable.
  • The patient and their family ought to reduce the chaos and increase the consistency in the life of his or her nurse or therapist

We do what we do safely.

  • Patients, families, nurses, and therapists need a place that is safe.
  • Patients, families, nurses, and therapists need work that is safe.

We do what we do attentively.

  • Patients, families, nurses, and therapists need us to be attentive.
  • In non-emergencies, supervisors and administrators listen to and speak with patients, families, nurses, and therapists by phone within office hours.
  • In emergencies, supervisors and administrators listen to and speak with patients, families, nurses, and therapists by phone within and outwith office hours
  • A Director of Clinical Service is available by phone at all times and in all places to nurses in need of medical consultations.

Contact Us

We are happy to listen to and speak with you.


36 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581


Phone: 508-475-0493
Fax: 508-475-0410

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